Thursday, August 31, 2017

Once again, long time, no write

So here I am.  What have I been doing if not writing here?  Well.  I was getting most of my news via Facebook.  I had several news sources in my feed.  Against my better judgement, I would get sucked into commenting on a news story.  Then the trolls became more than I could stand.  These are the "people" who make a point of interjecting themselves into conversations about a story for the purpose of triggering responses.  Often offering nothing more than meaningless memes.  I admit the adulation of Trump rubbed me the wrong way.  I try to see the other side's point, I really do.  I can even agree with some of it.  But blind deification of Trump, I can't.  Just can't.

So I cut back on news in Facebook.  Unliked all but a few of what I consider reputable news sources.  Resisted the urge to comment on stories.  I would look at comments and see the same old same old, and made the wise decision to just not go there.  I cut more news outlets out of my feed.  Now I'm down to just a couple local and national news sites.

I began to use Twitter more for news.  It's immediate, and easier to filter out the trolls.  Maybe a little narrow-minded way to consume news, but I do try to filter for reputable sources.  This is working for me for now.  I can occasionally vent my thoughts without a lot of backlash.  I think that's what a lot of us need is a way to safely vent our frustration or outrage or anxiety.  Then there's the blog.  A way to get it all out in more than 140 characters.  Don't know if anyone's reading, but it can be cathartic.

Now that all that's out of the way, let me get to the meat of this particular blog entry.

First.  I have to get this out.  I loath Trump.  Not because he's a Republican or conservative, or because he's not Clinton.  No, I loathe Trump because of who he is.  A narcissistic, egotistical, small minded, bigoted man, and I use the word man loosely.  His every action has proven that his only goal is to make Trump great again, and he's doing it on the backs of American taxpayers.  His flaunting of his use of the office of President for his personal pleasure is sickening.  His constantly pushing the limits of the Constitutional Oath he swore to uphold is alarming to every true patriot.

Would I rather have Clinton as President?  Well, of course I would.  Was she the best alternative?  Obviously not.  Apparently, America wanted a change, and that's ok.  It was the Republicans turn at the wheel.  But Trump?  That was the best they could do?

There's a lot of wishful dreaming of impeachment.  Unless indisputable evidence of Russian collusion is found, I fear it's just that...wishful dreaming.  The best we can hope for is that there's enough evidence to condemn Trump politically.  He is so toxic that even Congress is trying to distance themselves from him.  They really don't need him to advance their agenda.  They have the majority to do what they want.  His only purpose is to sign whatever they come up with, and he will sign whatever they put in front of him.  The Democrats and Independents, they should focus on getting people of integrity into Congress to even the odds.  Then find candidates for 2020 that can successfully take on the Trump regime.  And really, I would like Republicans to do the same.  Restore sanity, dignity, and integrity to our country.  That's what we need.  It will be a hard and expensive road to recovery from 4 years of Trump, let alone 8.

Our only other hope is that he resigns.  That could happen, but only if Trump becomes really unhappy.  Making his time miserable and unproductive is the best way to get there.  A lot of people wish he'd quit tweeting and rallying, but I think that's the best way to attack him.  He will always show his true self that way.  Beat him over the head with it.  It will make him very unhappy, and I really really like when Trump is unhappy.

Enough about that.  What's else?

One of the things I wanted to talk about in this entry is the issue of Confederate statues.  Here's my thoughts about this.  It's a very sensitive subject right now, and with good reason.  I've learned more about statues in the last few weeks than I thought I wanted to know.  It comes down to what the statues represent.  On the surface, statues are art, and art should never be destroyed.  But these Confederate statues represent different things to different people.  For some, it's their heritage.  For others, they represent the most heinous time in American history.  It comes down to what the statue in that particular location represents.  In some cases, it is truly a depiction of history, perhaps commemorating an important battle or event.  In many others, it was not doing that.  It was erected to establish superiority.  So a way to decide which statues or monuments stay is to establish what they represent.  Was it a battle or some event in that location at that time?  Or was it simple erected to flaunt Confederate white superiority?  Many of these monuments were erected during periods of racial unrest in locations that had nothing to do with the Civil War.  That's not heritage.  That's intimidation.  The statues that are removed should be placed in a museum or other non-public space.  Don't destroy art, put it in its proper place.
