Still bored. What does it say about me that I'm still watching? But here I am.
Nancy Grace is the one to watch for flubs, and she flubs BIG. There was the nip slip and then the fart the following week. I didn't catch either in my viewing but saw them thanks to YouTube. Last week she managed to get by without anything too embarrassing, but she really messed up the end of their routine when she nearly ended up on her ass. I love watching her face after each of her dances. Blinking fast with tightly clenched lips. Since I missed the nip slip, I didn't understand until later why she had such a mortified face then. She didn't miss a beat for the fart, and it's been said that it was Tristan and not her. His face didn't stay quite as straight, but that reaction could have been to either case. Since Nancy is holier-than-thou on her show, I like seeing her so humbled. Oh yeah, raise your hand if you only watch (or vote) for Nancy so you can hear Tristan talk another week. He's Irish, you know. I love the Russian accents, but I could listen to him all day. He's not hard on the eyes, either.
A few things were said that said it all, and I can only paraphrase since I'm too lazy to look it up. One of eliminated stars who was one of the better dancers said, "This is clearly not a dance competition." Another who also danced well but is also gone said something to the same effect. Carrie Ann said, "Don't take it so seriously." To which Tom added, "Yeah, have you seen the trophy?" So there you have it. This isn't about dancing, it's about who has the most fans. This has to be so frustrating for the pros. They're competitors themselves and train their partners as though it's a real competition.
Who has the most fans so far? Ricki Lake is actually dancing well and holding her own. Of course she has Derek which is a big plus. Chaz is consistently in the bottom but makes it back over dancers much better than him. We know who his fan base is and it must be huge. J.R. has the rest of the sympathy vote, and he really isn't bad. The Kardashian brother is for some reason getting raves from the judges and of course whatever fan base the K's have is keeping him on. David Arquette is also getting underserved raves from the judges, but I doubt he has the fan base to hold him.
The raves from the judges? Yeah, they are still handing out higher than deserved scores across the board. What game is this?
I'm sure the flaming gay guy will be gone this week. He's an amusing novelty but absolutely no dance skills there, and Chaz has all that particular fan base locked up. I expect Hope the soccer player to go soon. She's an odd looking woman. Rockin athlete's body but doesn't look all that good in the outfits. An athlete needs to have natural dance skills to go far in this competition, and she doesn't.
This week we were treated to performances by The Bangles. I didn't even know they were still together but apparently they are (or most of them) and touring now. Jeez, how unfair they've barely changed and they can't be much younger than me! I'm not even sure they're younger. Where was I in their heyday? That was sometime in the 80's which would have made me about....OK never mind, I guess they are younger.
Good morning.