Nope, didn't participate. Never have, never will. There's nothing I need or want badly enough to join that insanity. I did poke around the net on Cyber Monday, but there weren't any deals for me.
So I went in Walmart on Monday. Still not really needing anything but on the lookout for things I kinda wanted. It was a calm normal day for shopping. The insanity was over, and Walmart staff had cleaned up the mess I'm sure was left in the wake. Kudos to the staff! I wouldn't want to be them.
One of the departments I always cruise is electronics. I've been wanting a Blue-Ray player so I've been watching prices. It's one of those things everybody will need someday. Like when we had to give up VHS for DVD, Blue-Ray will make DVD obsolete eventually. I hadn't made the commitment yet, and still bought DVDs. I looked at BR players online to see what prices were doing, and I read reviews of the ones that interested me. One thing I saw was that not all are as good for DVDs. They are supposed to play them, but some brands had issues with older DVDs. That worried me, I've got quite a library now.
They are already pushing BR harder. The last DVDs I bought were the final installments of Pirates of Caribbean and Harry Potter. I was pretty disgusted that they were only available in a Blue-Ray/DVD combo pack. I was forced to pay BR price for the DVD. OK, maybe not forced exactly. If I'd waited, I'm sure I'd have found the DVD only price. But I wanted them now, and it would give me a chance to see what all the fuss is about Blue-Ray. When I got a BR player.
Back to Walmart. I cruised around looking at this and that, not seeing anything I needed/wanted, at least not at a price I was willing to pay. As I wheeled into electronics, there it was on an end display. BR player for $49! Score! That was the price I was willing to pay to give it a try. It was an LG which had always been one of the cheapest brands, but also one with less than stellar reviews. For that price I'd risk it. I could always return it if I didn't like it.
So far so good! Set up was easy. I only had to take the audio and video cables out of the old player and plug them in. Just in case, the BR player sits on top of the old one so I can quickly hook it back up. BTW, it's considerably smaller than the old DVD player. That's a plus. So is the remote, but that's not that great when it's black with tiny buttons. I think all remotes should be silver so you can see what you're doing in dim light.
Another issue in reviews was sound. BR is supposed to be better, but some consumers had issues with sound not being converted correctly by some sound systems. One mentioned the Bose 3-2-1 in particular. Damn, that's what I have. I've had this thing for many years, it's the oldest component in my "home theater". It has a DVD/CD player built in but that damn thing burnt out after the 1st year. Word to the wise - don't buy combo units. Part of it will die, and usually sooner than a separate component.
I do love the Bose, though, and would probably buy another one when the time comes. For my needs and space, it gives excellent sound, and I don't need a new one yet. They did come out with a new system based on the 3 speaker concept from the 3-2-1. Highly expensive, but hopefully by the time I need it, the price will come down.
So I tested it with the BR of Pirates. I didn't want to watch the whole thing again, I had just seen it, so I just watched bonus features. OK yeah, better picture. I don't have a high end TV (actually pretty low end) so I didn't expect the best picture that could be had, but I could tell the difference. It was like the difference between HD and regular TV. No problem with the sound. I couldn't tell if it was better, it sounded the same to me...excellent.
What surprised me was that DVD looked better. I can't remember which are the oldest ones in my collection so I pulled out one that should give a good test. I used the SyFy version of Dune which I've had for a few years. Very sharp and detailed picture. I really noticed it on pause. It might be that the old DVD player (almost as old as the Bose) is wearing out or was never that good to begin with, but it was definitely an improvement. I'm pleased. I also got hooked into watching the entire Dune series again. Got through 3 of the 5 discs last night.
The next test is Netflix. I'm expecting the latest in the mail. I checked to see if Blue-ray costs more. Of course it fucking does! $3 extra a month. Don't think I'm willing to pay that for 2 out at a time. Since DVD looks better anyways, I can live without it. If Netflix tries to force me into a higher priced BR package, that's probably the day I quit Netflix.
I suppose I'll be buying BR from now on. It's hard to resign to paying the higher price, but I guess it really isn't that bad. At Walmart, where I get all mine, it's $3-$5 difference. That's actually about what I used to give for DVDs. If I could force myself to wait a little longer, I could probably pay less as older stuff always gets marked down. Doubt that will happen. When I buy a movie, it's one I've been waiting for.
Oh just remembered there's another test. Music. I haven't had a good CD player in the house since the Bose player died. I just listen to Dish Network's audio channels. I'll have to check the manual to see if there's an MP3 hook up. That would be cool. I have it in my car which is much better than storing a CD collection out there. Most of my music is MP3 files, anyways. Don't see the jack on the front of the unit. Would be rather inconvenient if it has to go in the back.
Good morning.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Agnostic or Atheist
In the Beginning, I stated I'm agnostic. I've always referred to myself this way in the belief that it's the best word to describe my lack of belief in a higher power, my lack of religion. I felt Atheist didn't fit me as Atheism seems to be a religion itself, a crusade of sorts. But I'm not out to convince anyone else to not believe the way I do. I just have no religion, no beliefs.
If I didn't already know this, an experience in school made me realize it. This was an extracurricular literature class on Mythology. We were assigned to write a theory of afterlife, a myth about it. I couldn't. I had no concept of afterlife, no idea, no fantasy of what it would be like. I had nothing. I cheated and drew on an obscure element from mythology and very vaguely built on that. Basically, I wrote about Nothing. I never felt I successfully completed the assignment. If the assignment was an exercise in imagination, and I think it was, I surely failed there. I couldn't imagine it.
After seeing some online discussions that made me question the label I gave myself, I thought it would be a good idea to research some terms. The following definitions are taken from
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
1. a particular principle, position, or policy taught or advocated, as of a religion or government: Catholic doctrines; the Monroe Doctrine.
2. something that is taught; teachings collectively: religious doctrine.
1. belief in the existence of a God on the evidence of reason and nature only, with rejection of supernatural revelation ( distinguished from theism).
2. belief in a God who created the world but has since remained indifferent to it.
1. the belief in one God as the creator and ruler of the universe, without rejection of revelation ( distinguished from deism).
2. belief in the existence of a god or gods ( opposed to atheism).
1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
1. the doctrine or belief of an agnostic.
2. an intellectual doctrine or attitude affirming the uncertainty of all claims to ultimate knowledge.
1. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience. Synonyms: disbeliever, nonbeliever, unbeliever; doubter, skeptic, secularist, empiricist; heathen, heretic, infidel, pagan.
2. a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study.
3. a person who holds neither of two opposing positions on a topic: Socrates was an agnostic on the subject of immortality.
1. pagan spirit or attitude in religious or moral questions.
2. the beliefs or practices of pagans.
3. the state of being a pagan.
1. one of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks.
2. a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim.
3. an irreligious or hedonistic person.
Ok then. Now I know. Let's pick this apart a little to see if I can figure out where I am.
I'll start with Religion and Doctrine. The definition of Atheism includes doctrine. Atheists "teach" their doctrine, same as Christians or Buddhists. Sounds like religion to me. Interesting that Agnosticism also includes the word doctrine. Maybe doctrine is actually just ideas.
There's a fine line between Deism and Theism. Deists acknowledge a creator, but that was the end of its role in earthly life. Theists believe that this creator is in control of daily life and destiny. Both believe in a higher power. Definitely not me.
As I thought, Atheism is a doctrine, a teaching, a belief, a religion. I suppose its doctrine could apply to me, but it still isn't quite right. I don't believe there is no god, I just don't believe in the concept of god, I can't imagine it. Believe it or not, there is a bit of difference there. I think the main reason Atheist doesn't apply to me is that I'm not trying to convince everybody else. At the same time, I reject anyone's attempt to convert me. You can't and you won't.
I think Agnostic is still the best label for me. I think we don't and will never know the truth. Whether because there is no way to know, or there isn't anything to know, I don't know, and it's not important that I know. Two of the synonyms for Agnostic are nonbeliever and pagan.
Hmmm, I could be Pagan. "a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim"; "an irreligious or hedonistic person". That definitely describes me, except that modern paganism is a practicing religion, which doesn't apply to me.
I guess I'll stick with Agnostic. That's still as close as I can get. Maybe we need a new word.
Good morning.
If I didn't already know this, an experience in school made me realize it. This was an extracurricular literature class on Mythology. We were assigned to write a theory of afterlife, a myth about it. I couldn't. I had no concept of afterlife, no idea, no fantasy of what it would be like. I had nothing. I cheated and drew on an obscure element from mythology and very vaguely built on that. Basically, I wrote about Nothing. I never felt I successfully completed the assignment. If the assignment was an exercise in imagination, and I think it was, I surely failed there. I couldn't imagine it.
After seeing some online discussions that made me question the label I gave myself, I thought it would be a good idea to research some terms. The following definitions are taken from
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
1. a particular principle, position, or policy taught or advocated, as of a religion or government: Catholic doctrines; the Monroe Doctrine.
2. something that is taught; teachings collectively: religious doctrine.
1. belief in the existence of a God on the evidence of reason and nature only, with rejection of supernatural revelation ( distinguished from theism).
2. belief in a God who created the world but has since remained indifferent to it.
1. the belief in one God as the creator and ruler of the universe, without rejection of revelation ( distinguished from deism).
2. belief in the existence of a god or gods ( opposed to atheism).
1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
1. the doctrine or belief of an agnostic.
2. an intellectual doctrine or attitude affirming the uncertainty of all claims to ultimate knowledge.
1. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience. Synonyms: disbeliever, nonbeliever, unbeliever; doubter, skeptic, secularist, empiricist; heathen, heretic, infidel, pagan.
2. a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study.
3. a person who holds neither of two opposing positions on a topic: Socrates was an agnostic on the subject of immortality.
1. pagan spirit or attitude in religious or moral questions.
2. the beliefs or practices of pagans.
3. the state of being a pagan.
1. one of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks.
2. a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim.
3. an irreligious or hedonistic person.
Ok then. Now I know. Let's pick this apart a little to see if I can figure out where I am.
I'll start with Religion and Doctrine. The definition of Atheism includes doctrine. Atheists "teach" their doctrine, same as Christians or Buddhists. Sounds like religion to me. Interesting that Agnosticism also includes the word doctrine. Maybe doctrine is actually just ideas.
There's a fine line between Deism and Theism. Deists acknowledge a creator, but that was the end of its role in earthly life. Theists believe that this creator is in control of daily life and destiny. Both believe in a higher power. Definitely not me.
As I thought, Atheism is a doctrine, a teaching, a belief, a religion. I suppose its doctrine could apply to me, but it still isn't quite right. I don't believe there is no god, I just don't believe in the concept of god, I can't imagine it. Believe it or not, there is a bit of difference there. I think the main reason Atheist doesn't apply to me is that I'm not trying to convince everybody else. At the same time, I reject anyone's attempt to convert me. You can't and you won't.
I think Agnostic is still the best label for me. I think we don't and will never know the truth. Whether because there is no way to know, or there isn't anything to know, I don't know, and it's not important that I know. Two of the synonyms for Agnostic are nonbeliever and pagan.
Hmmm, I could be Pagan. "a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim"; "an irreligious or hedonistic person". That definitely describes me, except that modern paganism is a practicing religion, which doesn't apply to me.
I guess I'll stick with Agnostic. That's still as close as I can get. Maybe we need a new word.
Good morning.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I knew it!
It was the software! What am I talking about? I'm just so pleased, I'm starting at the end.
I have Verizon mobile broadband for internet. This is my only option for highspeed, other than satellite and I did not want that. The price I pay for living out in the sticks. I had the 3G modem and it was good enough. Big improvement over dialup which was all I'd ever had before.
Then Verizon offered a $10 break on the monthly bill if I switched to 4G modem and plan, and the modem was free after rebate. I figured, what the hell, might as well go for it to save $10 a month. I'll get 4G here eventually I hope.
That damn thing has done nothing but give me fits! I never had this much trouble with the old 3G modem. I had to install new software as the old wouldn't work with the new modem. Don't have 4G here yet, but it's supposed to connect to 3G when 4G isn't available. Which it did. Some of the time. It was the rest of the time that pissed me off.
I think what was happening was that it was detecting the 4G signal from the big cities about an hour from here. But it wasn't strong enough to connect with it. Once it detected that signal, it left the 3G signal and I had nothing. Not only that, but the software constantly phased out. Don't have another word for it. It wouldn't stay connected, grayed out the connect button so I couldn't reconnect, and there were long delays while it attempted to reset to a signal. And I sat here fuming and swearing. I often had to close the 'ware and unplug the modem to force a reboot. I have the modem on a long extension cable so I could hang it high in the window to get the best signal (2-3 bars). I found it helped to hang it lower (like 18" from the floor!) to avoid detecting the 4G signal it couldn't connect with. Even then, the 'ware was still wonky.
After an especially frustrating morning, I called tech support, and the guy walked me through some steps to get to some hidden settings. For some reason, these settings are only available with a password. Once there, I saw what I had been wanting all along...a way to make the modem only connect to 3G. Now why couldn't that option be available in preferences? It certainly solved that weak 4G signal glitch.
At the time, I didn't think to write this password down, and I needed it to fix my other device, the Netbook. A little googling about the issues, and I stumbled across the password. Guess it's not really a secret. Cool. I didn't have to call tech support again.
But the software was still wonky. I was still shutting down/rebooting, unplugging/plugging the modem to force a reset. And it seemed to be getting worse as though the 'ware was degrading with each reboot.
I had mentioned to the tech guy that the 'ware needed some work. Maybe he heard me, or maybe I'm not the only one who had problems. Every now and then, I'm asked to check for updates. In hopes something new would happen, I always did. Finally FINALLY an update was ready! Took a while to download and set up, but when it did, the first thing I saw was the 'ware looks different. Kept my fingers crossed that appearence wasn't the only thing changed.
I do believe it's fixed! The 'ware has been stable. The password still works so I could set to 3G only on my own. The only complaint I have is that the widget (connect button thingy on my desktop) is bigger and uglier.
Now all I need is 4G. I was told that we were supposed to get it here, but the tornadoes this spring put that on hold. I guess they had to replace some damaged equipment on the towers, and they weren't ready to go to 4G. Now it will probably be longer before we get it since they had to install new equipment. Why they didn't just go to 4G then, I don't know. As long as I have reliable and reasonably fast internet, which I do, I can wait.
Still can't view videos like everybody else, but I can sometimes. I sure don't spend as much time as everyone else seems to on them. Probably even when I do have 4G, I won't do that as much. My plan does have a bandwidth limit, and so far, I've never used more than half my allowance. Since it usually takes longer than I care to wait to download a video, I'm very selective about the ones I waste time and bandwidth on.
Happy Thanksgiving. I give thanks for a decent internet connection again.
Good morning.
I have Verizon mobile broadband for internet. This is my only option for highspeed, other than satellite and I did not want that. The price I pay for living out in the sticks. I had the 3G modem and it was good enough. Big improvement over dialup which was all I'd ever had before.
Then Verizon offered a $10 break on the monthly bill if I switched to 4G modem and plan, and the modem was free after rebate. I figured, what the hell, might as well go for it to save $10 a month. I'll get 4G here eventually I hope.
That damn thing has done nothing but give me fits! I never had this much trouble with the old 3G modem. I had to install new software as the old wouldn't work with the new modem. Don't have 4G here yet, but it's supposed to connect to 3G when 4G isn't available. Which it did. Some of the time. It was the rest of the time that pissed me off.
I think what was happening was that it was detecting the 4G signal from the big cities about an hour from here. But it wasn't strong enough to connect with it. Once it detected that signal, it left the 3G signal and I had nothing. Not only that, but the software constantly phased out. Don't have another word for it. It wouldn't stay connected, grayed out the connect button so I couldn't reconnect, and there were long delays while it attempted to reset to a signal. And I sat here fuming and swearing. I often had to close the 'ware and unplug the modem to force a reboot. I have the modem on a long extension cable so I could hang it high in the window to get the best signal (2-3 bars). I found it helped to hang it lower (like 18" from the floor!) to avoid detecting the 4G signal it couldn't connect with. Even then, the 'ware was still wonky.
After an especially frustrating morning, I called tech support, and the guy walked me through some steps to get to some hidden settings. For some reason, these settings are only available with a password. Once there, I saw what I had been wanting all along...a way to make the modem only connect to 3G. Now why couldn't that option be available in preferences? It certainly solved that weak 4G signal glitch.
At the time, I didn't think to write this password down, and I needed it to fix my other device, the Netbook. A little googling about the issues, and I stumbled across the password. Guess it's not really a secret. Cool. I didn't have to call tech support again.
But the software was still wonky. I was still shutting down/rebooting, unplugging/plugging the modem to force a reset. And it seemed to be getting worse as though the 'ware was degrading with each reboot.
I had mentioned to the tech guy that the 'ware needed some work. Maybe he heard me, or maybe I'm not the only one who had problems. Every now and then, I'm asked to check for updates. In hopes something new would happen, I always did. Finally FINALLY an update was ready! Took a while to download and set up, but when it did, the first thing I saw was the 'ware looks different. Kept my fingers crossed that appearence wasn't the only thing changed.
I do believe it's fixed! The 'ware has been stable. The password still works so I could set to 3G only on my own. The only complaint I have is that the widget (connect button thingy on my desktop) is bigger and uglier.
Now all I need is 4G. I was told that we were supposed to get it here, but the tornadoes this spring put that on hold. I guess they had to replace some damaged equipment on the towers, and they weren't ready to go to 4G. Now it will probably be longer before we get it since they had to install new equipment. Why they didn't just go to 4G then, I don't know. As long as I have reliable and reasonably fast internet, which I do, I can wait.
Still can't view videos like everybody else, but I can sometimes. I sure don't spend as much time as everyone else seems to on them. Probably even when I do have 4G, I won't do that as much. My plan does have a bandwidth limit, and so far, I've never used more than half my allowance. Since it usually takes longer than I care to wait to download a video, I'm very selective about the ones I waste time and bandwidth on.
Happy Thanksgiving. I give thanks for a decent internet connection again.
Good morning.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Random ruminations & rants
Happy start of the holidays. A thing than annoys me about the holidays (besides starting earlier every year) is what it does to my tv time. My shows skip weeks or go on hiatus until it's over.
Did I mention I hate the K's? Yeah I did. The K's, of course, are the dysfunctional family of Kardashian fame whores. Especially Her Kimness. Come on! Did no one see the whole wedding thing and quick split was a publicity farce? That's what the K's do. Any and every thing to keep their names in the news, and make money off it. There's no talent, no skills, no nothing. Kim came on the scene after a leaked sex video and for some reason this produced a franchise (or something). She claims she's a role model for her young fans. Really? For what? To show young girls you just need to be pretty enough and crass enough, and you too can be famous and rich. The Jersey Shore drunken sluts fall into this same category. I just wish everybody would quit talking about and taking pictures of them and they'd go away. It happened to Paris Hilton and she actually had a claim to fame - she was already filthy rich.
No, I have never ever watched any of those shows, or any other stupid has-been "stars" realty shit. Oh and then there's Rob K on DWTS. I want to hate him, but I don't. He's actually dancing ok, and seems rather humble. I don't believe he deserved to be in the finals, but he has that mysterious K fan base keeping him on. Wait, maybe that's not it. Her Kimness didn't last very long when she did it. Curiouser and curiouser.
What else is on my mind? How about murder trials? I should add I didn't follow the trials as closely or religiously as some, but I read enough to form opinions.
Dr. Murray - Michael Jackson. I talked about this a year ago. Do I agree with the charges and verdict? Not really. He should have been charged with malpractice, but of course that wouldn't do for the powerful Jackson family. They needed redemption for Michael and his estate. In my opinion, this weak and gullible doctor was caught up in the fame and money, and only did what his patient asked.
Casey Anthony - her baby. The entire country was caught up in this mess, and it was sensationalized to death. Everyone still thinks she pulled an O.J. I'm not so sure, and I think the jury did the only thing they could. What I got from it all is that the baby's death was an accident, perhaps due to neglect. It became a crime when the mother was directed by her controlling father to cover it up. Then it looked like murder, and so she was charged. They couldn't prove murder so they had to let her go. If they had charged her with what it really was, like negligent homicide or conspiracy (I don't know all the legal terms), they could have put her away for a while, and everybody would be happier.
What else? Politics. I hate politics and don't follow it that closely. I feel we will never know just what the government is up to. My political news mostly comes from Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, and he shows why the Republican candidates are all clowns! I can't believe anyone is seriously considering any of these idgets for President! Who would I vote for? Ron Paul. He's a liberal Rebublican - an oxymoron. I know he'd never get there. He's not even on the radar right now. I haven't seen yet what the Democrats have to offer. If I have a political leaning, it's Democrat because I'm liberal, middle class and union, and I remember the good years under Democratic presidents. The country began the mudslide in the Bush years, and poor Obama hasn't been able to clean up the mess they left. Congress fights each other on every thing he tries to do, and nothing is getting done. His administration will be referred to as a failure, but it wasn't he that failed, it was the Congress that refused to work with him. It's our government that sucks, not the president.
Good morning.
Did I mention I hate the K's? Yeah I did. The K's, of course, are the dysfunctional family of Kardashian fame whores. Especially Her Kimness. Come on! Did no one see the whole wedding thing and quick split was a publicity farce? That's what the K's do. Any and every thing to keep their names in the news, and make money off it. There's no talent, no skills, no nothing. Kim came on the scene after a leaked sex video and for some reason this produced a franchise (or something). She claims she's a role model for her young fans. Really? For what? To show young girls you just need to be pretty enough and crass enough, and you too can be famous and rich. The Jersey Shore drunken sluts fall into this same category. I just wish everybody would quit talking about and taking pictures of them and they'd go away. It happened to Paris Hilton and she actually had a claim to fame - she was already filthy rich.
No, I have never ever watched any of those shows, or any other stupid has-been "stars" realty shit. Oh and then there's Rob K on DWTS. I want to hate him, but I don't. He's actually dancing ok, and seems rather humble. I don't believe he deserved to be in the finals, but he has that mysterious K fan base keeping him on. Wait, maybe that's not it. Her Kimness didn't last very long when she did it. Curiouser and curiouser.
What else is on my mind? How about murder trials? I should add I didn't follow the trials as closely or religiously as some, but I read enough to form opinions.
Dr. Murray - Michael Jackson. I talked about this a year ago. Do I agree with the charges and verdict? Not really. He should have been charged with malpractice, but of course that wouldn't do for the powerful Jackson family. They needed redemption for Michael and his estate. In my opinion, this weak and gullible doctor was caught up in the fame and money, and only did what his patient asked.
Casey Anthony - her baby. The entire country was caught up in this mess, and it was sensationalized to death. Everyone still thinks she pulled an O.J. I'm not so sure, and I think the jury did the only thing they could. What I got from it all is that the baby's death was an accident, perhaps due to neglect. It became a crime when the mother was directed by her controlling father to cover it up. Then it looked like murder, and so she was charged. They couldn't prove murder so they had to let her go. If they had charged her with what it really was, like negligent homicide or conspiracy (I don't know all the legal terms), they could have put her away for a while, and everybody would be happier.
What else? Politics. I hate politics and don't follow it that closely. I feel we will never know just what the government is up to. My political news mostly comes from Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, and he shows why the Republican candidates are all clowns! I can't believe anyone is seriously considering any of these idgets for President! Who would I vote for? Ron Paul. He's a liberal Rebublican - an oxymoron. I know he'd never get there. He's not even on the radar right now. I haven't seen yet what the Democrats have to offer. If I have a political leaning, it's Democrat because I'm liberal, middle class and union, and I remember the good years under Democratic presidents. The country began the mudslide in the Bush years, and poor Obama hasn't been able to clean up the mess they left. Congress fights each other on every thing he tries to do, and nothing is getting done. His administration will be referred to as a failure, but it wasn't he that failed, it was the Congress that refused to work with him. It's our government that sucks, not the president.
Good morning.
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