Happy start of the holidays. A thing than annoys me about the holidays (besides starting earlier every year) is what it does to my tv time. My shows skip weeks or go on hiatus until it's over.
Did I mention I hate the K's? Yeah I did. The K's, of course, are the dysfunctional family of Kardashian fame whores. Especially Her Kimness. Come on! Did no one see the whole wedding thing and quick split was a publicity farce? That's what the K's do. Any and every thing to keep their names in the news, and make money off it. There's no talent, no skills, no nothing. Kim came on the scene after a leaked sex video and for some reason this produced a franchise (or something). She claims she's a role model for her young fans. Really? For what? To show young girls you just need to be pretty enough and crass enough, and you too can be famous and rich. The Jersey Shore drunken sluts fall into this same category. I just wish everybody would quit talking about and taking pictures of them and they'd go away. It happened to Paris Hilton and she actually had a claim to fame - she was already filthy rich.
No, I have never ever watched any of those shows, or any other stupid has-been "stars" realty shit. Oh and then there's Rob K on DWTS. I want to hate him, but I don't. He's actually dancing ok, and seems rather humble. I don't believe he deserved to be in the finals, but he has that mysterious K fan base keeping him on. Wait, maybe that's not it. Her Kimness didn't last very long when she did it. Curiouser and curiouser.
What else is on my mind? How about murder trials? I should add I didn't follow the trials as closely or religiously as some, but I read enough to form opinions.
Dr. Murray - Michael Jackson. I talked about this a year ago. Do I agree with the charges and verdict? Not really. He should have been charged with malpractice, but of course that wouldn't do for the powerful Jackson family. They needed redemption for Michael and his estate. In my opinion, this weak and gullible doctor was caught up in the fame and money, and only did what his patient asked.
Casey Anthony - her baby. The entire country was caught up in this mess, and it was sensationalized to death. Everyone still thinks she pulled an O.J. I'm not so sure, and I think the jury did the only thing they could. What I got from it all is that the baby's death was an accident, perhaps due to neglect. It became a crime when the mother was directed by her controlling father to cover it up. Then it looked like murder, and so she was charged. They couldn't prove murder so they had to let her go. If they had charged her with what it really was, like negligent homicide or conspiracy (I don't know all the legal terms), they could have put her away for a while, and everybody would be happier.
What else? Politics. I hate politics and don't follow it that closely. I feel we will never know just what the government is up to. My political news mostly comes from Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, and he shows why the Republican candidates are all clowns! I can't believe anyone is seriously considering any of these idgets for President! Who would I vote for? Ron Paul. He's a liberal Rebublican - an oxymoron. I know he'd never get there. He's not even on the radar right now. I haven't seen yet what the Democrats have to offer. If I have a political leaning, it's Democrat because I'm liberal, middle class and union, and I remember the good years under Democratic presidents. The country began the mudslide in the Bush years, and poor Obama hasn't been able to clean up the mess they left. Congress fights each other on every thing he tries to do, and nothing is getting done. His administration will be referred to as a failure, but it wasn't he that failed, it was the Congress that refused to work with him. It's our government that sucks, not the president.
Good morning.