Besides my daily routine of websites, I have some I visit now and then for entertainment.
The Hollywood Gossip is actually one of my daily stops, and it's linked over there in the sidebar. I think this is one of the best and most accurate celebrity gossip sites. I take their word for it, and they will redact an incorrect report if it turns out they were duped as well. I love how they make fun of the gossip rags' headlines (that probably aren't true). I especially love that they share my disdain for a lot of reality tv shows and their "stars".
A slightly related site is G4's Attack of the Show. I don't actually goto this site much, I watch it on tv. The reason it's included here is the viral videos. I see many of them before they appear the following day on The Hollywood Gossip, and often before anyone on Facebook shares them.
Another show I watch and have mentioned many times is The Soup. I catch some pretty good virals there, too.
People of Walmart is well...about the people who go to Walmart. I think it must be mostly evening and late night Walmart-goers because I don't believe I've seen anything like them. I'm out and about in the earlier times of day, so I mostly see oldsters, stay-at-home moms, etc. There's the occasional rock star wannabe lady of advanced years. The ones who make it on PoW have to be the more dysfunctional members of society. Anyways, it's a chuckle to see how much shame some people don't have. Seems to be regional. There have been some from my state, but I don't think my area. A lot from California and Florida where...ummm...unusual characters are a given. And the other southern states where...oh I hate to say it but you know what I mean.
You Are Not a Photographer makes fun of the people who think they are professional photographers. They don't pick on anyone who takes a bad picture. They go after the ones who decide their fancy new camera will pay for itself and open up shop. Then display their work which should make any intelligent consumer run hard and fast the other way. Most of these outstanding works are heavily photoshopped, which really points to their lack of editing and artistic skills more than their photography skills. You really don't need much skill to operate a digital camera, but you do need skill and talent to photoshop. My last visit to YANAP, I was delighted that they are taking submissions and will open up a new segment..."You Are Not a Graphic Designer". Can't wait. I can think of a few who should make the grade. Oh dear, I hope I don't end up there.
Speaking of that, there's Photoshop Disasters. This is stuff from print and internet media that was actually done by "professionals". It includes ads that you would think someone would have taken a little more care with. Sometimes you have to look close to see the PSD, because hey, who pays that much attention to print ads? Bet you will now.
Not Always Right is one I just found and haven't been all through it yet. The premise is conversations with customers, and should make for some chuckles.
Missouri Trailer Trash has been around for as long as I've had internet, and I'm surprised it's still online. You have got to see it! It's not updated anymore, but it's definitely worth revisiting from time to time.
Some more diversions from my links database:
Crank Dot Net
Facebook Status Stalker
Awkward Family Pet Photos
Parodyville (from Russia with love)
Fireworks (you need a Java plugin for this one, so allow it and go play with fireworks)