That used to be a euphemism for my menstrual cycle, but it no longer applies in that respect. Now it means time to rag about shit.
I came within inches (fucking inches!!!) of my first car accident yesterday. First since I moved here 8 years ago. These southerners drive so badly, I'm amazed it hasn't happened yet. I'm very wary of them. I was waiting in a parking lot aisle for a spot opening up. 2 cars back where I was sitting, another began to back out. I had no where to go. There was someone behind me, and the car I was waiting on was also backing out. I was a sitting duck. Her rear bumper was dead on to hit under my driver's door handle and cave in my door. I rarely do this but I began to lay on the horn. A LOT! She kept coming! Finally the dumb bitch realized the honking was right behind her, and stopped about 6" from hitting me. How she didn't see my not small car that should have filled ALL her rear view mirrors is beyond me, not to mention if she had just turned around and looked. Or how she didn't hear my horn. Thank god she did finally pay attention to what the fuck was going on around her. My day would have been really ruined. Of course this was a young lady probably yakking at the person in the passenger seat or worse...they were both paying attention to a phone.
After that, my mood deteriorated. I did accomplish what I planned and got most of the things I went out for, but that little incident ate at me, and another dipshit young lady who pulled out in front of me also probably on the fucking phone didn't help. By the time I got home, I was in a pretty pissy mood, so I indulged in fast food and tv for the rest of the day.
Sure will be glad when this election is over. Last time I talked about why I don't vote. Here's another. Politicians lie. Government lies. We, the people, don't know what they are lying about, or what's the truth. Politicians tell you want they think you want to hear. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I do believe an awful lot goes on our supposedly transparent and democratic government that we will never know, and it's not for the common good.
Romney shoots his mouth off a lot, and apparently has no filter between his brain and his mouth. His handlers need to put a muzzle on him. A lot was made about how badly the debates (no, I didn't watch) went for Obama, but from what I have seen in the media, he was the bigger man. He didn't resort to mud slinging which many saw as befuddlement. I saw it as dignified, what our president should be, and what Romney is not. I admit I haven't tried to find out exactly what the candidates' plan is for the country, but so far, I don't see that Romney has a plan past getting elected. At least I haven't heard it.
Yeah, you're right. IF I voted, it wouldn't be Romney. The devil you know and all that. Obama has accomplished some of the things he promised. I don't know what the hell Romney is promising.
Oh and everyone (pro-Romney everyone) is so in love with Paul Ryan for VP. All I can see is a walking caricature. Come on, you don't see a cartoon character in that dopey grin?
I had a brilliant idea after thinking about all that, and how much money is thrown at Romney. How about we ban campaign donations. BTW, just where does that dollar they ask for on tax returns go? Do we have a choice which party it goes to? I say stop it. Let the candidates use their own money WITHOUT a tax break. After all, we can't claim that donation on our return, why should they? In this age of internet, it's not like they'd have to spend that much. Just for whatever print, radio or tv time they want, and signs on lawns. Maybe they wouldn't be so free with the bullshit and mudslinging. They'd think a bit more carefully about their media exposure if they had to pay for it themselves. So much good all the millions in campaign donations could do for a worthy cause. This is one of the most corrupt aspects of elections I can think of. Obviously the ones donating it have an agenda they expect the candidate to follow. How is that not a bribe?
What else. I just learned Attack of the Show is ending at the end of the year. Big bummer. This is the geek show on G4. As well as seeing viral videos before they hit other sites like Facebook, I got tech news that I didn't know I needed to know. Like the fact that Best Buy is matching prices with Amazon and Walmart in November, or how proposed legislation could impact the internet. They critiqued DVD releases and gadgets. They interviewed stars from the shows and movies in the genres of sci-fi, action, and horror. They took field trips to interesting nerdy places. All the things we nerds love. And now it will be gone. I don't spend much time searching tech sites or YouTube, mostly due to my less than ideal internet connection speed. It will be greatly missed.
Speaking of Amazon. WTF is up with their pricing? I've been watching the price on the Farscape entire series box set and it fluctuates like gas prices! It changed so often, I added it as a bookmark so I could see without logging into my wish list. A couple days ago, I decide to take advantage of Amazon's credit card offer which gives a healthy gift card (the price of the item at that time) for enrollment, and the price on the box set hadn't changed for a few days. Well hell. It was the next day before I was approved and guess what? The price immediately went up! For crying out loud! So I'm back to waiting for the price I'm willing to pay.
I don't really need another credit card, but I do shop Amazon a lot, and it pays decent cash back on Amazon purchases, and there's that initial gift card. I just won't use it for anything else.
I've updated the DVD Library with the lastest additions. Avengers (awesome!), and I broke down and got a few I was on the fence about. Dark Shadows (liked it), Rock of Ages (haven't watched yet), and Snow White & Huntsman (haven't watched yet). BTW, some of the tv series I don't actually have the entire series yet, but I will as soon as I can get my hands on them, so I list it as complete as I have it.
Oh yeah and Magic Mike. My fav film expert Chris Gore (Attack of the Show) recommended it as a buy. Not for the reasons you might think. He's straight, and suggested guys leave it laying around their place to get laid. He said he liked it and the dance sequences were very good. He also said Matthew McConaughey was hilarious and I love me some Matt McC. Good enough for me. I think I'll watch it tonite.
Good morning.