...I will write about this crap.
Give him a chance, they said. Hey, he's not giving us much to work with here. So far, his cabinet is looking very anti-diverse, anti-tolerant, and anti-any color other than white. Some ultra conservative religious right guys, an anti-semantic nationalist. And by the way, who the hell does that nationalist Bannon guy remind me of? Driving me crazy. It's an actor or character of some scruffy sort that I can't put my finger on.
I said in the last post that we would be less shell-shocked if we had seen the sedate reasonable guy in the victory speech all through the campaign. Then I watched the 60 Minutes interview. It's probably the last time I'll watch him speak publicly again because I'll never respect or believe what he says. I know I'll see more of that smug smirk of a pig face more than I want, just because the nasty that is Trump isn't going away. He'll make sure of that. Anyways. In that interview, he was asked point blank if he had any regrets. The interviewer gave him the opportunity to appeal to us, to give us a reason to respect him and give him a chance, and he had no remorse. He could have apologized to everyone he hurt and insulted and threatened, for causing the extreme division, and that could have been a step toward healing, but no. He flat out said no...no regrets for anything, and he wouldn't do it differently. I'm not sure what he means by making the country great again, but as long as we are so divided and feeling so betrayed by our own countrymen, and this deplorable man, this country will not be great. It's going to be a long unhappy 4 years. Or longer.
The other thing that caught my ear in that interview was his odd interpretation of the Constitution. When asked if he'd repeal Roe v. Wade (abortion rights), he said he was pro-life and would support federal repeal, and allow states to decide. If a woman wanted an abortion, she might have to go to another state. When asked about marriage equality, he said "It's in the Constitution, it's done". Wait. Isn't Roe v. Wade in the Constitution? So what...he's going to cherry-pick the Constitution, the same way christians cherry-pick the bible to suit their bigotries?
He reportedly wants to go on a victory tour of the states that won him the election. What a Trumpian thing to do! It's like he realized that from now on, his contact with the public will mostly be via camera where he can't hear and feel the adulation of his Trumpers. He needs those rallies to pump his enormous ego. Twitter won't be enough for him since there are so many anti-Trump tweeters. He brags about his millions of followers thinking that means they all love him. Hey, I'm following him, but not because I love him. Pretty sure I'm not the only one of that mindset. That's how ignorant that dipstick is. And besides, doesn't he have an awful lot to do between now and inauguration? He doesn't have time for a frivolous tour.
Now there's this feud with the cast of the musical Hamilton. If you haven't heard, Mike Pence VP-elect, attended a performance, and was booed by the audience when he was recognized. After the final bows, the cast addressed him personally, appealing for tolerance and respect for the diversity of America, which caused him to slink out of the theater. Trump took to Twitter to blast the cast for its action. Once again showing us a very frightening image of a world leader with a paper-thin skin, and no respect for the Constitutional right to freedom of speech. And later, Pense said he wasn't offended by the Hamilton thing.
And Mrs. Trump. Awww, bless her heart. She's taking on internet bullying as her First Lady Cause when she's married to a world class bully, and maybe even bullied herself. In that interview, they tried to give us the impression she has some say in that marriage, but that would be very hard to believe. Their dynamic looked so fake to me. Unless she has something on him.
There's a word I learned about during this campaign that I hadn't paid much attention to before now. Evangelical. I had to look it up. Basically, it means the extreme right christians, the ones who insist the bible be followed literally, and laws of the land follow the law of the bible. The hell-fire and brimstone christians. It's become a foul word to me. These are people who could influence this administration to threaten my freedoms. This word is especially abhorrent because these are the most hypocritical christians. They claim they voted Republican and therefore Trump for family values. To them, family values means anti-gay, anti-abortion, and anti-non-christian. But bigotry, sexism, sexual assault, pedophilia, liars, and cheats are okay.
Then there's the report that Trump wants to split his time between the White House and his New York penthouse. Well, isn't that special. We, the tax-paying people will pay for extra Secret Service detail so King Midas can sleep in his golden tower.
Each day, there are more new appointments to his cabinet. There's much speculation based on who is admitted to the golden tower, and then a confirmed appointment that we didn't expect. We're losing our SC governor to be U.N. ambassador. I haven't been here long enough, or paid enough attention, so I don't know much about her, but she seemed like a level-headed woman who ran the state without a heavy hand. We might miss her. Her deputy governor will take over, and his titles/previous positions sound like he will not be a progressive head of state.
We're still waiting to hear all the cabinet appointments, but from what we've seen it looks like cronyism all around. He had said during his campaign that he "would get the brightest and smartest, the best people" to help him. Apparently, the brightest, smartest, best people are the ones that like him. Or are desperate to kiss his ring to get their foot in the door to the golden tower.
Now there's the New York Times interview. I read the transcript, and it was typical Trump. Rambling, immature and limited language and grammar. I learned an alarming new thing. Apparently, the President has more power than I thought, and even less accountability. Meaning he can rewrite rules as it suits him, and use the office to further his business goals. With his authoritarian personality, having been a powerful boss all his adult life, he could turn himself into a fucking king! How can anyone doubt this is not about America, this is about making Trump great? How can anyone trust him to run this country with its people's best interests in mind? Goddamnit.
King Midas, this country will never be united under you.