Where to start. I have so many thoughts. I can't even call it musing. It's too intense for that. Too unhappy.
It was a given that he would be "acquitted". The GOP is in his pocket. We knew that but we're not sure why that is. He was not exonerated the same way OJ was not exonerated, Our only hope, this country's only hope, is that the free press keeps up the pressure. Almost everything we've learned came from skilled investigative journalists, and I hope they keep digging. There is more to be learned. We know that.
The GOP likes to pin the last several months, or years, on the Democrats. This scandal, this "hoax", all the scandals, all their fault. How dare they put the country through this. But this is all on the GOP. They could have stopped it. It was a given that a Republican was going to be president. I repeat. IT WAS A GIVEN THAT A REPUBLIAN WAS GOING TO BE PRESIDENT. They had it in the bag. The cycle of political life. They could have promoted a more palatable candidate (except Ted Cruz), and they still would have won. And we would not be where we are now. They could have their guns and judges and religious extremism and money and power, and we'd be debating policy instead of the president's fitness or corruption. For whatever reason, the GOP completely trashed (and still do) their "values" in submission to someone that they knew was a snake.
I hate being ripped off. I and all Americans, even Trumpers, are being ripped off every fucking day he's in office. Our tax money is padding his bank account as well as funding his new network of global connections directly attached to the White House. I firmly believe that his "Executive Time" is spent doing Trump Org business. He's working his business at his properties, and he's lining up his ventures for after the White House. There's actually a report of his being in talks for a TV network or show or something. His entire presidency is based on promoting the Trump brand. And we have a government that is run like the Real Housewives of Bum Fuck. A really shitty reality show.
We don't even know what conservative values are anymore. Certainly not what we thought they were. I actually agree with some conservative ideas, or at least what I thought they were. Smaller government, states' rights, fiscal responsibility, respect for the Constitution. None of those are in play anymore.
Conservative moral values? We now know there is no such thing. It's OK to cheat on all your wives. It's OK to assault sexually. It's OK to employ undocumented workers until you get caught. It's OK to use vulgar language in public unless you're not a Republican. It's OK to shoot up a school or church because you have the right to own a military grade weapon of mass destruction. It's OK to separate children from their parents. It's OK that a woman is impregnated by a rapist. It's OK that a religion (run by men) can force a young girl into marriage before she's old enough to understand what that means. It's OK to subjugate and demean women and minorities. It's OK that 1/3 of the population decides what's best for the other 2/3s. It's OK that the wealthiest few get all the breaks and perks while the majority gets the scraps. It's OK that the fucking President of the United States of America attacks fellow Americans in mean tweets and goddamn fucking public appearances.
We are no longer the shining beacon of democracy in the world. We're no longer the leader of the free world. Despite what Trumplethinskin says, we are not respected by the world, and they are laughing at us. It's not unimaginable that the world will someday soon see America as a symbol of corruption and dictatorship if we continue on this path.
I'm in the twilight of my years. I'm thinking that's probably OK. I don't think I want to see what happens if he wins another term. Or lives long enough to usurp the Constitution again by making himself and his family a monarchy. They say only the good die young. The opposite of that is that the bad live too long.