Wednesday, October 28, 2020

They know not what they do.

There's been a lot of memery in my Facebook feed lately.  Political crap and religious stuff.  I really try to stay out of it.  I've eliminated most political shit from my feed by simply unliking pages or snoozing them.  That includes news sites.  I keep a couple from Michigan for nostalgia, but otherwise not even my local news appears in my feed anymore.  It's just too easy to get sucked into a black hole in the comments.  I get disgusted and almost nauseous when I see the idol worship from Cult 45.  It's all I can do to keep from commenting.  But sometimes I do which of course fires up the cult even more.

I don't know the bible that well, but I do know a little.  Well-known words from scripture occurred to me.  Paraphrased because I don't feel like looking it up.

~ Forgive them, they know not what they do. ~

This could have been applied at the end of the 2016 Republican primary.  Just think if they had had any brains, Republicans would have realized what an incompetent clusterfuck Trump would be.  Any other candidate on that stage would have been a better president.  Yeah, even (ugh) Ted Cruz.  It was a given...A GIVEN... the election would go to a Republican.  Cycle of life.  After eight years of a black president, the basest of the base was fired up.  And yes, the GOP and RNC could have stopped his rise to the nomination.  They aren't above doing that.  But they didn't.  They knew he was a snake and they still let him in.  The Republican party sold its soul to the Serpent.

Just think.  There wouldn't have been a Mueller Report or impeachment or any of the other legal, ethical and moral incompetence.  There wouldn't have been a president so astoundingly rude and ignorant that we are no long considered the shining beacon in the world.  We'd just be arguing about the usual politics and policy.  We wouldn't have a president so self-absorbed that he spends more time bragging about his TV ratings and what a great job he's done than actually doing anything.  We wouldn't have a president who promotes (runs) his business from the White House, and embezzles our tax dollars into the Trump Org bank accounts.   Who spends more time golfing and restocking "The Swamp" with a different flavor of alligator shit.  So busy watching TV and tweeting about TV and being on TV that he ignored all the early warning signs and advice in regards to the growing pandemic until it was out of control.  So busy thinking about himself and promoting himself that he can't even offer the least condolences to Americans who have lost loved ones.

And I wouldn't hate the president.  I hate how much I hate him.
